Best Robot Vacuums For Pet Hair - A 2022 Review Of Pet-Friendly Robot Vacuums

2022-05-28 20:36:04 By : Ms. Zola Liu

Some people enjoy doing their house chores, but most people would rather spend their days off enjoying time with friends, family, or just relaxing at home. The beauty of robot vacuums is that they don’t mind working every day, keeping your house tidy while you rest. Whether you have kids that leave crumbs all over the floor or have pets that shed in hard to reach places, the best robot vacuum for pet hair and regular cleanup can help make your life a lot easier by keeping your floors consistently clean.

Robot vacuums have different features, and some have better reputations than other products on the market. To make your search for the most pet friendly vacuum robot easy, we selected three of the best robot vacuum for pet hair options for you to review. We let you know a little bit about the product, what customers are saying about their experiences with each vacuum, and we list some pros and cons so you can make a well-informed decision about the product you bring home. At the end of this article, we include some frequently asked questions to fill you in on all the details you need to know before purchasing a robot vacuum.

1. Neabot NoMo N2 – Editor’s Choice – Best Robot Vacuum for Pet Hair

When putting our recommendations together, we created a list of important attributes that set the best robot vacuum for pet hair machines apart from the rest. When setting out to find robot vacuums designed to clean up pet hair, we discovered that the best robot vacuum untangles pet hair while it suctions. If this is your first robot vacuum, we want you to make a choice based solely on the best robot vacuum cleaner options. This is what we looked out for.

The best robot vacuums for pet hair have to be smart. They should have a variety of features that not only keep your floors clean, but that also allow you to designate areas where cleaning is required and allowed. Any parts of your home where the vacuum shouldn’t travel can be easily designated with smart technology.

Aside from making sure pet hair gets off the floor, the vacuums we chose are pet-friendly, meaning they expertly suction pet hair while functioning quietly, so as not to startle skittish pets.

There are definitely robot vacuum deals to be had, but even a budget robot vacuum should have a good warranty to cover you for at least the first year after purchase. We chose models that offer security after purchase so pet owners can invest confidently.

With the use of a remote control and programmable features, you can take control with the best robot vacuums for pet hair and keep your space clean, even when you’re not home. 

Customers call this a “quiet and efficient little robot”. There are plenty of features to admire, including the way it navigates without issue and even dumps its own bin. The object sensors prevent collisions with furniture, and it picks up pet hair and dust easily. Customers who have purchased other vacuums comment that this is their best purchase by far. Additionally, they share how easy the app is to use, how easy the remote is to operate, and how great the suction is to remove pet hair. Reviews give primarily four and five star ratings, with customers explaining how this robot vacuum cleaner has made cleaning up cat and dog hair easier while they recommend it with high praises.

One of the most prominent features of the Neabot NoMo N2 Pro is the way it seals its own dust bag – that means no dust, dirt, or other debris on your hands. The 2.8L Self-Emptying Dustbin could hold more than a month of dust and pet hair; you can power it up every 35 days to clear your home of all debris. The battery allows for a 150 minute runtime, and it has 2700 Pa suction to clean up even the toughest floors in your home. Not only does it work for you, but it also empties itself after cleaning. With the upgraded LiDAR system, this Neabot creates thousands of undetectable laser points per second to map your environment and increase efficiency. The map it creates is editable and it can skip past even the smallest, lightest objects left in its path.

The price of this product is $399.99 on the manufacturer’s website. Shipping is free and you can replace or return the product for any reason within the first seven days of delivery. They ship via FedEx and you can expect delivery between two to five business days. When you purchase, you have the extra protection of a one-year warranty that covers the main bodies and battery packs. This vacuum for cleaning pet hair is equipped with navigation technology and smart sensors that allow it to clean along the edge of your walls, cross over multiple surfaces, and it’s smart enough to avoid falling off onto stairs or lower levels in your home.

All the dust and pet hair in your home doesn’t stand a chance when you use this best robot vacuum for pet hair. It is packed with power that tackles the tiniest dust mites imperceptible to you. The N2 Pro grabs up these dust particles with a suspension-designed brush and 2700 Pa suction power. It also automatically optimizes to tackle all the different surfaces on your carpet, increasing suction power as needed. Tangled pet hair that gets your vacuum stuck is a thing of the past. With the upgraded brush roll of the N2 Pro, you have the advantages of both bristle brushes and rubber brushes to swiftly pick up pet hair and detangle it to reduce clogging.

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Customers love that this vacuum connects easily with their Alexa echo device and has so many features, they’ve yet to enjoy them all. One verified buyer shares that this is her first vacuum of this type and loves the time it affords her so she can be more present with her children. She requested support for installation and was pleasantly surprised by the experience connecting with the customer support team. This vacuum picks up pet hair from dogs and cats and any other furry friends you have living in your home, making it one of the best robot vacuums for pet hair there is.

The Tesvor X500 is made more agile with its dual chip and independent robot operating algorithm. Gyroscope navigation makes the vacuum work in an s-shape pattern, immediately upgrading how well the vacuum clears all areas of your home. Use the app to monitor the cleaning process whenever your vacuum is on and working. You can also control the robot using your voice alone, commanding it to clean whenever you want it to spruce the space.

This vacuum is the most budget-friendly of the best robot vacuums on our list. It’s priced at $189.00 – look for any additional sales Tesvor may be offering on their website. For example, they currently have an autumn sale that saves you an additional $10.00 with code TE10. You can purchase accessories, like magnetic strips, separately with a 50% discount and shipping is always free. They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can purchase and try the vacuum with confidence. When it’s tired of cleaning pet hair and needs to recharge, it quietly makes its way back to its charging station to prepare for the next run. 

This robot vacuum functions at 1800 Pa, which means it can handle dust, millet, soybeans, and even screws along its path. It’s equipped with double v-brushes and a powerful motor that allows for plenty of suction power and low-noise ventilation. The high-quality filter system keeps your air dust-free, if you’re prone to allergies, this brings a lot of relief, especially during the seasons when allergies kick up.

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Verified buyers call this a good robot vacuum cleaner and detail the reasons why they love it. The D-shape of the machine allows for a larger brush, which means the vacuum is more efficient – it gets more done in less time than most robot vacuums. The LiDAR navigation allows for safe setup, a particularly important feature for pet owners with toddlers in the home. With auto-charge and a long battery life, this vacuum is truly a helper. Customers can leave the home and come back to a fully vacuumed space. ECO mode is described as whisper quiet, which is perfect for people who work from home, as there are no loud noises in the background.

Designed with a spiral combo brush that’s nearly 70% bigger than other robot vacuum cleaners, the Neato D8 works on any surface in your home, naturally adjusting as it goes. The dust bin is larger than other models as well, which allows for a more complete clean. With a single charge, this vacuum covers up to 750 sq. ft. It runs for 100 minutes at a time and when it needs to recharge, it returns to its charging station to power up before finishing the job. The high-performance filter works to trap allergens and pet hair, so you can breathe easy in your home.

The cost of the Neato D8 is $599.99. It comes with a one year limited warranty and you can add more comprehensive coverage with either a two-year warranty for $59.99 or a four-year warranty for $126.99. The total weight of this vacuum is 8.07 pounds, and the dirt bin capacity is 0.7 liters. Use eco mode when you want to conserve battery life, cover more surface area, and have it run quieter. Switch to turbo mode when you need your vacuum to handle a heavy-duty job – it boosts dirt and debris pickup power in this setting. It works with an 11” spiral combo brush and has side brushes for full coverage as it goes.

This vacuum made the runner up position because of its size and ability to switch modes between eco and turbo. With the app, you can enjoy additional features, like scheduling and routines to set up vacuum times that work for you. Use remote clean to have it clean your floors when you’re away and set up cleaning maps, so it only goes where you want it to go. You’ll be able to review its cleaning history and set up no-go zones to protect your kids and pets.

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Robot vacuums are autonomous vacuum cleaners that can clean your floors using robotic drives and sensors. Robotic vacuums can be programmed and can be used with a remote control. Often, they also have a self-driving mode, which allows the robot vacuum cleaner to clean throughout your home without the need for remote control.

These types of vacuums have different designs, using spin brushes that can reach into difficult to access corners, and they also come with additional features that, depending on the brand, could include mopping. Autonomous vacuums are great for regular maintenance, especially if you have a lot of pet hair in your home. Whether it’s pet hair left behind by a dog or a cat, most robot vacuums have enough suction power and battery life to keep your home clean even when you’re away.

Instead of spending your day off vacuuming your floors at home, you can sit back, kick your feet up, and relax while your vacuum does that work for you. You can even head out for lunch with friends while the vacuum works autonomously. Plus, these little robots are space savers, and are significantly smaller than your traditional upright vacuum. They weigh a lot less also – but keep in mind that they do have a limited ability to store dirt, debris, and pet hair.

Pets bring you an unquestionable amount of entertainment, cuddles, and love but with some breeds more than others, it also means that you always have pet hair flying around your home. Even if you have a tiny puppy or a cat, that little body can shed a lot, especially during summer months. Dog hair all around! Although you always have the option of using either an upright vacuum or a hand held vacuum to run over your couch and reach those tight corners, a robot vacuum works smarter, so you don’t have to work harder.

When deciding on the best robot vacuum for your needs, there are a couple of features that you’ll need to consider. For example, if you have a carpeted home or use a lot of area rugs, you’ll need a robot vacuum that has significant suction power. If you have a large home with wide open spaces, you’ll need a vacuum that has a long battery life to sustain a full house clean with one full charge.

Robot vacuums are often praised for how quiet they are but if you have a fearful pet, you’ll want to purchase a vacuum that doesn’t scare him or her. With so many features to consider, you’ll need to first assess your environment and the types of floors you need cleaned and then consider what’s going to make sense for your pet in terms of noise, speed, and control.

For example, some models may allow you to use a remote control to control certain sections of your home. That means if your pet is terrified of the robot vacuum, you can set it up to only function in a certain room in your house. This allows you to spot clean before you get home or prepare early if guests are coming over later that day. Another feature to consider is how slim the robot vacuum is. Since some animals, like cats, like to hide and burrow beneath couches and other furniture, you’ll want a robot vacuum that can easily sneak into those hard-to-reach places without getting stuck.

If you have large spaces in your home, where some are carpeted and some are a different kind of flooring, you’ll want to purchase a robot vacuum that is versatile enough to handle any type of surface. Ultimately, a robot vacuum will make a massive difference in the way your home looks and feels on a regular basis. It’s like you’re paying for a reliable housekeeper without having to leave a key under the mat.

Robot vacuums use different sensors that help them navigate throughout your home. Even when a vacuum uses a camera, they still can’t identify objects and veer away from them the way humans can. To supplement their abilities to navigate the space, they use a couple of different sensors that detect obstacles or any other hazards that may be in your home, including stairs. The exact type of sensors and how they work within robot vacuums are determined by the manufacturer, but there are some similarities across all brands.

Robot vacuums use obstacle sensors, which are usually located somewhere near the robot vacuum’s bumpers. This allows your vacuum to navigate the space without letting any objects or obstructions hinder their progress. Whenever your robot vacuum’s bumper hits an object like the leg of a chair or the leg of a table, the robot vacuum’s sensor is triggered, which informs the vacuum that it needs to change direction. For example, if your vacuum navigates into your desk with the bumper on the right side of the machine, it will likely make a left turn to navigate away from the object its sensor encountered.

Another type of sensor included in robot vacuums is the cliff sensor. Since many homes today have staircases, this could be the most hazardous space for a vacuum. If it tumbles and falls, it can be completely destroyed, which kills your original investment in one swift accident. To prevent this from happening, cliff sensors are incorporated into robot vacuums as a safety requirement. These cliff sensors measure how close it is to the floor through the use of infrared signals. If the robot vacuum notices that the signals aren’t immediately bouncing back, that is interpreted as a nearby cliff, which keeps the robot vacuum from moving forward down the stairs or off a balcony.

Wall sensors are another safety feature incorporated into robot vacuums because they help your vacuum detect where your walls are. This allows them to follow alongside each wall to ensure full coverage while they clean. This feature is what makes robot vacuums so efficient in accessing and cleaning deep edges where the wall meets the floor. You might think that your robot vacuum may scuff or otherwise damage your walls but that’s not the case. Wall sensors, like cliff sensors, use infrared technology to help them map the space and follow along your walls without bumping into them.

The final type of sensor included in robot vacuums is the wheel sensor. Robot vacuums use these light sensors to measure how their wheels rotate. Wheel sensors also help your robot vacuum understand just how far it has traveled.

In addition to all of these sensors, the first time you power up your robot vacuum and let it do its job, it will take off and perform what’s called mapping. This is basically a process during which robot vacuums get a lay of the land. This allows them to recognize which areas are easier to clean and where your furniture is placed throughout your home. Mapping also helps robot vacuums keep from cleaning the same spots over and over because they recognize the space.

You’ll notice that robot vacuums deploy from their base and return to their base when their work is done. How do they do that? Through the mapping technology incorporated into the vacuum! Robot vacuums return to their original location once they realize that their battery life is low, and they travel back when they need to recover their full battery life.

Just as robot vacuums have sensors that keep them from bumping into walls and from cleaning the same spaces over and over, you can program virtual barriers that keep them away from your high priced family heirlooms or from rooms you don’t want the vacuum venturing into. For example, if you have a fine China cabinet that you want to keep your vacuum away from, you can place a virtual boundary that informs your vacuum that it’s a no-fly zone.

Virtual wall barriers use infrared tech that helps your robot vacuum navigate your space. Just as a virtual barrier can serve to keep your robot vacuum away from certain areas of your house, it can also work to bring your robot vacuum into a room that requires regular cleaning. Just as you can place virtual barriers throughout your house to protect certain areas or certain belongings, you can also use, depending on the manufacturer, magnetic strips. Strips are not as discreet, but they offer a similar benefit, which keeps your vacuum only operating in areas that you approve of.

Robot vacuums can be very confusing for pets. If they’re not used to seeing robotic appliances in your home, they’ll look at it, knowing that it smells like an object but seeing that it moves as though it has life. This can be really unsettling for your pets, and can cause them to act out against the robot vacuum or huddle away in terror, wondering if the robot vacuum is trying to hurt them.

Obviously, the vacuum is programmed to do one thing – clean! It does not have the capacity to understand that pets are in the house and that its presence may frighten them. It also only has sensors that allow it to move away from objects that it encounters, which may startle your pet if he’s resting on the floor and the vacuum approaches him. So, to make sure that any robot vacuum you use keeps your pet safe, just follow the suggestions below:

Your pets may have vacuum anxiety that makes them act out whenever they see your robot vacuum. Even if they’re acting out in a way that is unacceptable according to regular rules, employ grace here. Don’t yell at them or otherwise punish them for having a completely acceptable reaction to a new object in the home. Allow your pet to sniff it without it being on so they can get acquainted with what it smells like. If you feel like your pet is comfortable around the new addition to your home, try turning it on to see how your pet reacts. Be gentle and slow and listen to your pets’ cues to see how you can proceed.

When you’re not using the vacuum, leave it out in a space where your pet can explore it. Let your pet sniff around it and let it be in the same room while your pet is eating, drinking, or resting with you. This will create a sense of familiarity, so the object doesn’t feel so foreign.

Use your robot vacuum’s features

If there is a complete opposition between your robot vacuum and your pet, the best you can do is create boundaries so that the robot vacuum and your pet don’t have to interact. You can use the technology incorporated into a robot vacuum to create barriers and keep your pet from having to encounter the machine.

Offer for your pet rewards

If you notice that your pet has accepted the vacuum into its territory, go ahead and give your pet rewards with play time, a walk, or treats. This will help to create a positive association between your pet and the vacuum that is there to help.

Even if your pet seems to accept the vacuum, if you leave the home while the vacuum is on, you may come home to a completely destroyed machine. Instead of just trusting first impressions, let it run while you’re present with your dog and see how your dog responds to all of the robot vacuum’s different maneuvers, sounds, and patterns. This way, you can help your dog feel safe and protected when faced with your new purchase.

Robot vacuums for pet hair are designed to make your life easier, reducing your chores at home while keeping your home ultra-clean year-round. You don’t have to be at the mercy of time or will with an autonomous vacuum cleaner. Simply pick the model that works best for your needs and voila! Your floors will be the talk of the town.

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